Peer-to-peer Recognition

Creating a stronger team through colleague recognition.

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Build a healthy work culture

Having a friendly, uplifting atmosphere is key to creating a productive work environment. By creating a culture of praise, employees can feel valued and appreciated for their contributions to the workplace. Motivated employees are happy employees, and everybody likes to know that they’re doing a great job.

Ensure that your office is brimming with positivity and support and reap the rewards of a cohesive team with peer-to-peer appreciation. Communication, productivity, and teamwork will prosper from a strong sense of community at work.

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Strengthen your team's bond

Encouraging employees to celebrate each other’s success benefits not just the individual, but the team as a whole. Scientific research found peer-to-peer recognition is 35% more likely to have a positive impact on financial results than manager-only recognition, (SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Survey, 2012).

Building up employee relationships is fundamental for creating a collaborative team. Learn how you can boost productivity and teamwork with a peer-to-peer rewards programme.

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What are the benefits?

There are many proven benefits to a company from a well ordered reward scheme:

Increase Productivity of your company

Stimulate Development and Career Progression

Bring a Sense of Satisfaction & Build Morale

A Strong Employer Brand

Enhance Team Spirit

Attract Great Candidates

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two men working on laptops in the office

Colleague rewards

While it’s important to make sure that your employees feel recognised for their efforts, having this praise come for their peers is especially gratifying. Through the My Staff Shop platform, your team can send each other Fanmail and nominate one another to receive rewards, making for an effective employee recognition scheme in the workplace.
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Want to have all these benefits?

Our experience plays an important role in improving staff retention, improving the quality and volume of candidates applying for roles.

How can we help?

Don’t use this form if you are an employee and have a query about your account, gift cards, orders or anything else. Please contact us here.

Don’t use this form if you are an employee and have a query about your account, gift cards, orders or anything else. Please contact us here.

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